The Week That Was (25-02-2010): Joanna Newsom; Liars; Roman Polanski; Pantha Du Prince; Devo

Last week it seemed like there was only one record release: Joanna Newsom’s third album’s triple extravaganza has taken the media by storm. Newsom has never been short of ambition and her former opus “Ys” became such a landmark that few thought it could be matched. But the first reactions to “Have One On Me” … Read more

In The Loop: Beach House on top of the loop.

Baltimore’s dream-pop duo Beach House are this week’s number one among Rober Awards’ favourite tracks. “A walk in the park”, one of the highlights in the couple’s excellent new album “Teen Dream”, got to the top facing tight competition from Surfer Blood and Lindstrøm & Christabelle.
Entries include new tracks by Charlotte Gainsbourg & Beck; Caribou; … Read more

La Semana Pasada (24-01-2010) Parte II: Beach House; Caprica; Joon-Ho; Grouper…

Precedida por la noticia del segundo disco de Vampire Weekend “Contra” conquistando el número uno de Billboard – el primer disco publicado por una indie británica que lo consigue en veinte años – mucha música de primera era lanzada esta semana. Entre el rio de novedades, el álbum que ha merecido las mejores críticas ha sido “Teen Dream”, la tercera obra del dúo de Baltimore Beach House Se podía escuchar al completo en NPR radio y cada corte ha sido filmado en un video, todos los cuales se recopilan en el DVD extra que acompaña a la publicación del CD. El disco está siendo aplaudido como una obra maestra del dream pop y va a establecer al duo como uno de los artistas más interesantes del momento.

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The Week That Was: (24-01-2010) Pt. II: Beach House, Grouper, Joon-Ho, Caprica…

Following the news of Vampire Weekend’s sophomore record “Contra” hitting the Billboard Number 1 in the States -the first album released by a British independent label to hit the top spot in two decades; plenty of exciting music was launched or previewed this week. Among the flow of new releases, the album that has earned the best reviews is Baltimore duo’s Beach House third opus “Teen Dream”. It was streamed in its entirety by NPR radio and every track has a promo video. All of them collected on a bonus DVD as part of the original release. The album is being hailed as a dream-pop masterpiece and will establish the duo as one of today’s most interesting artists.

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En El Loop: Owen Pallett directo al número uno.

El arreglista de cuerda de moda en el mundillo indie arrasa en nuestro loop entrando directamente a la cabeza. Owen Pallett, con el reciente lanzamiento de su deslumbrante nueva obra “Heartland”, es el favorito de Rober Awards en este momento. Entre las entradas destacadas se incluyen las de Lindstrøm & Christabelle; Beach House; etc.
El maestro … Read more

In The Loop: Owen Pallett straight to the top.

The string arranger of choice among indie stars storms into our loop at number one. Owen Pallett, fresh from the release of his stunning new opus “Heartland”, is the Rober Awards favourite song at the moments. Other high entries include Lindstrøm & Christabelle; Beach House; etc.
Dubster meister Joker; Swedish electronica-meets-opera siblings The Knife and US … Read more

REVIEW 2008: TOP 50 ALBUMS (50-26)

And last but not least, the countdown of our favorite albums from 2008 begins. Every selected record with links to as many relevant audiovisual material as we could gather, including many albums in full. The chosen ones after the jump.

Y como colofón, la cuenta atras de nuestros albums favoritos del 2008. Cada album escogido viene acompañado por el mayor numero de enlaces a su material audiovisual relevante que hemos podido encontrar. En muchos casos, incluimos el disco en su totalidad. Los elegidos, tras el salto.

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REVIEW 2008: TOP 100 SINGLES (75-51)

75-THE VERY BEST-Kamphopo

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