#38-HOT CHIP-One Night Stand (EMI)

Hot Chip se habían ganado una reputación como banda de singles. Mientras que algunos de los mejores himnos electropop de la pasada década llevaban su firma, sus álbumes siempre han carecido de una cierta cohesión y han resultado bastante irregulares. ‘One Night Stand’ parecía concebido para romper ese hechizo y puede discutirse que resulta su … Read more

#38-HOT CHIP-One Life Stand (EMI)

Hot Chip had earned their reputation as a singles band. While some of the most impressive electropop anthems of the noughties have their signature, their albums have always lacked some cohesion and been fairly irregular. ‘One Night Stand’ was a successful attempt to break that spell and arguably their more coherent long play to date. … Read more

The Week That Was (20-03-2010): Videos

Plenty of interesting videos this week, beginning with the smashing 9 minute epic, Tarantino-esque video for Lady Gaga’s ‘Telephone’; a visual extravaganza that recalls the golden days of MTV, when every clip was a world of surprises and Michael Jackson and Madonna reigned supreme. She even managed to convince Beyoncé to appear as her love subject… We haven’t exactly been the biggest fans of the ubiquitous star, but ‘Telephone’ is a new career high that confirms her unrivalled status as the best pop artist in the conservative waters of today’s mainstream music. The video is one of the most clicked ever in the story of youtube. Check the track’s remixes too. The likes of Passion Pit, Crookers and even Alphabeat have worked on it.

Hot Chip – I Feel Better

Hot Chip | MySpace Music Videos

Hot Chip brought a superb new video, ‘I Feel Better’, in which even the supernatural powers have had enough of boy bands and unleash their furious vengeance on one of them in the middle of club perfomance. Good song, too! Other video highlights of the week after the jump..

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Hot Chip Asaltan El Loop

Los embajadores del electropop británico Hot Chip han tomado al asalto nuestro loop de esta semana. Hasta ahora considerados mas bien una banda de canciones sueltas;su recién publicado cuarto trabajo “One Life Stand” ha conseguido un reconocimiento unánime como su album mas compacto.
La banda londinense se enfrenta a duros oponentes en The Magnetic Fields, Caribou … Read more

Hot Chip Take In The Loop.

British electropop greats Hot Chip are taking in our loop this week. Until now, they had been regarded mostly as a singles band, but their fourth record “One Life Stand” has been universally saluted as their more compact album to date.
The band will have to endure strong competition from The Magnetic Fields, Caribou and … Read more

La Semana en Discos: Hot Chip; Pantha Du Prince; Basia Bulat; Charlotte Gainsbourg…

Llegó la última semana de Enero repleta de más discos excelentes, consolidando al primer mes del año como el momento preferido por sellos pequeños para presentar el trabajo de sus artistas más importantes. A los discos de primera categoría que ya nos han ofrecido Vampire Weekend; Spoon; Owen Pallett o Beach House, se unen ahora … Read more

The Week In Records: Hot Chip, Pantha Du Prince; Basia Bulat; Charlotte Gainsbourg…

The last week of January came packed with more fine records, establishing the first month of the year as the time of choice by small labels to launch their most important artists’ output. To top-notch albums by the likes of Vampire Weekend; Spoon; Owen Pallett; Beach House… we can add a whole bunch of interesting … Read more

REVIEW 2008: TOP 50 ALBUMS (50-26)

And last but not least, the countdown of our favorite albums from 2008 begins. Every selected record with links to as many relevant audiovisual material as we could gather, including many albums in full. The chosen ones after the jump.

Y como colofón, la cuenta atras de nuestros albums favoritos del 2008. Cada album escogido viene acompañado por el mayor numero de enlaces a su material audiovisual relevante que hemos podido encontrar. En muchos casos, incluimos el disco en su totalidad. Los elegidos, tras el salto.

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REVIEW 2008: TOP 100 SINGLES (75-51)

75-THE VERY BEST-Kamphopo

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