2008 Film Review: Top 40 Best Movies (40-21)

40-MY WINNIPEG-Guy Maddin
Entre los mejores documentales del año se encontraban dos visiones sobre las memorias de infancia y los cambios que el paso del tiempo facilita en dos ciudades muy distintas. La primera de ellas, Winnipeg, con la que el estilista director canadiense Guy Maddin lograba su film más personal, sin perder su predilección por explorar nuevos caminos. Parte material de archivo, parte ficción rodada; Maddin jugaba con todos los elementos disponibles para construir un surreal y emotivo puzzle homenaje a su lugar de nacimiento.

Among the best documentaries of the year there were two visions about memories of childhood and the changes passing time inflicted in two very different cities. The first of them, Winnipeg, with which the stylist Canadian director Guy Maddin achieved his most personal film to date, without losing his predilection for opening new ground. Part archive material, part fictionalized; Maddin played with all the elements at reach in order to built a surreal and moving puzzle, tribute to his birthplace.

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Music Poll Update: It’s Britney vs. The Veronicas, bitch!

After the announcement of this year’s nominations a few weeks ago, everything led to believe this would be the year of Portishead, with two newcomers, Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes gathering the awards left free by the Bristol trio. However, the recount so far does not confirm this initial trend.

After the jump, we give a quick look at those categories where competition is at its fiercest. Among them, the biggest surprise is the most recent one, “Guilty Pleasure”, where international fan clubs of Aussie sisters The Veronicas have movilized their members to vote; followers of Britney, also nominated, fought back , putting the star ahead on the race and leaving far behind initial favorites such as Alphabeat and Duffy. Interest for this category has been so high, that total voters nearly reach 700, doubling in number any of the others. There are still ten days to go before official awards and music poll’s results are announced. You can vote here. May the best one win!!

Tras el anuncio de las nominaciones semanas atrás, todo parecía indicar que este sería el año de Portishead; con dos nuevos valores, Bon Iver y Fleet Foxes acaparando los premios que el trío de Bristol dejaran libres, pero los resultados de las votaciones hasta la fecha no parecen confirmarlo.

Tras el salto, damos un repaso a aquellas categorías donde la competición se encuentra al rojo vivo. Entre ellas, la mayor sorpresa sin duda es la mas reciente, “Guilty Pleasure”, donde los clubs de fans internacionales de las australianas Verónicas han llamado al voto a sus miembros; los seguidores de Britney, también nominada, contraatacaron y van en cabeza, dejando muy atrás a los a priori favoritos Alphabeat y Duffy. Tal ha sido el interés por esta categoría que los votantes se aproximan ya a los 700, doblando en número a los de cualquier otra. Quedan aún diez días para que premios oficiales y resultados de la encuesta se revelen. Puedes votar aquí. Que gane el mejor.

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2008 Film Review: 10 Surprises & Guilty Pleasures

10-EDEN LAKE-James Watkins

De entre la avalancha de mediocres producciones de terror provenientes de los cinco continentes, este modesto film británico sorprendía tanto por su eficaz realización – realmente daba miedo – como por su premisa a modo de metáfora sobre las relaciones entre las diferentes clases sociales en Gran Bretaña.

Among the avalanche of mediocre horror productions coming from all corners of the globe, this modest British film surprised as much for its assertive execution –it was actually frightening- as for its core metaphor about the relationship among different social classes in Great Britain.

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2008 Film Review: 10 Disappointments

QUANTUM OF SOLACE-Bond didn’t live up to its expectations.

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2008 Film Review: The 10 Worst Movies Of The Year

THE DARK KNIGHT-The late Heath Ledger’s iconic performance.
spanish-flag.jpgComo ya ocurriese el año anterior, la cosecha cinematográfica del 2008 tampoco será recordada por ser particularmente buena para la historia del séptimo arte: al optimismo de una temporada de premios plagada de trabajos interesantes, le sucedió pronto la apatía de una primavera casi desierta; un verano cuyos blockbusters no compensaban la carencia de propuestas más arriesgadas y creativas y un otoño sin grandes títulos. La industria en Europa parece concentrar sus apuestas de prestigio en los primeros meses, causando cada vez un mayor desnivel cualitativo con el resto.

El cine de “arte y ensayo”en general y el Europeo en particular daban pocas alegrías, en un ejercicio particularmente decepcionante en España y Francia; con esperanzadores signos provenientes del nuevo cine italiano. El mumblecore y películas de bajo presupuesto como “Buscando un beso a medianoche” nos hacían añorar la época dorada del cine independiente americano, hoy absolutamente dependiente de unas majors cada vez menos amigas de abrir nuevos caminos. En la otra cara de la moneda, los adaptadores de comics conseguían al fin encontrar el punto justo para pasarlos a la gran pantalla con resultados tan espectaculares (Batman) y entretenidos (Iron Man) como su material de origen merecía.

Como ya va siendo costumbre, comenzamos este repaso con aquellas películas que consiguieron burlar nuestro habitualmente alto control de calidad para horrorizarnos por completo. En el 2008 hubo malas películas para dar y tomar (solo de pensar en “El guru del amor” de Mike Myers; las intentonas de Paris Milton o el remake de la de marcianos con Keanu Reaves, perfectamente caracterizado en su papel de extraterrestre sin emociones, nos entran a la vez retortijones y ganas de agradecerle al destino nuestra infinita suerte al poder esquivarlas.) A continuación las que más nos disgustaron.

small-uk-flag.jpg Like the year before, 2008’s cinematographic harvest won’t be remembered as a particularly good one in the history of the seventh art: the initial optimism of a rather strong award season, plagued with interesting works, was replaced by the apathy of a nearly deserted springtime; a summer whose blockbusters didn’t compensate for the lack of riskier and more creative propositions and an autumn lacking of engaging titles. The European industry seems to concentrate their prestige bets on the first months, creating an ever increasing quality imbalance with the rest.

Arthouse films in general, and the European ones in particular, gave little reason for joy, particularly disappointing in Spain and France, but with hopeful signs coming from the new Italian cinema. Mumblecore and low-budget movies such as “Searching for a midnight kiss” made us long for the golden era of the US Independent filmmaking, today quite dependent on a few majors, not very inclined to break new ground. On the flip side of this coin, comic adaptations reached some of their brightest moments, with results as spectacular (Batman) and enjoyable (Iron Man) as the source material deserved.

As usual, we begin this review with those movies which managed to skip our normally high quality control and got us completely horrified. In 2008 bad films were everywhere (the mere though of Mike Myers’ “Love Guru”; Paris Hilton’s acting attempts or the remake of sci-fi classic “The Day the earth stood still” with a perfectly cast Keanu Reeves as the emotionless alien, made our skin crawl. We were thankful to our destiny for granting us the immense fortune of being able to avoid them). Our 2008’s film hall of shame after the jump.

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Rober Winners At Obama’s Inauguration

ARETHA FRANKLYN-My Country Tis Of Thee

Although the political attitude of many of the Rober Academy members’ ranks from mild apathy to full cynicism, we cannot help but sharing the joy and illusion of the USA while celebrating the most important historical moment the nation has lived for a few generations: The arrival of America’s first black president and his symbolic values of equality, freedom and hope for all; much needed in this troubled time.

To wish him all the best on his role as what it used to be called “the leader of the free world” pop stars of all backgrounds were playing in multiple shows and parties across Washington and the rest of the States yesterday. From the Queen Of Soul, Aretha Franklyn, who sang the patriotic anthem “My Country Tis Of Thee” at the Inauguration to Arcade Fire. Everyone who’s anyone in the pop world, except maybe for, errm, Daddy Yankee…were somehow involved on the celebration. Here’s a few of the most notorious moments

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