Listen to the new Red Hot compilation curated by The National

Until its release on February 17th, The Red Hot Organisation – an international charity dedicated to raising funds and awareness for HIV and AIDS, founded on the premise that even without a cure, AIDS remains a preventable disease and music is a great vehicle to raise money and awareness for it – will be streaming one new song a day from their latest project Dark Was The Night; curated by Aaron and Bryce Dessner of The National, who have gathered together an impressive group of artists and a total of 32 exclusive tracks recorded for the compilation. It will be available as a double cd/triple vinyl/download. You can listen to the tracks here.

This is the 20th year of Red Hot, and this is the 20th release, since their first iconic and Rober award winner “Red Hot + Blue” in which artists such as Neneh Cherry, David Byrne, kd Lang, Les Negresses Vertes, Neville brothers and many others covered Cole Porter’s standards hoping to help the audience gaining awareness about the disease and its prevention.

The tracklist goes as follows:

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LAMBCHOP-Slipped Dissolved And Loosed

“Their best record for a decade” (sometimes stretched up to two) was one of the most repeated mottos by musical reviewers this year, showing the huge number of veteran glories, mostly from the nineties and the eighties, that polished their decaying careers once again, pushed in many cases by the live circuit’s good health and growing demand for established names. None of the following Academy’s heroes from the past gave their best shot in 2008, but at least they generated welcome signs of creative recovery.

“Su mejor disco en una década” (a veces se estiraba hasta dos) se ha convertido en una de las cantinelas más repetidas durante el año por la crítica musical para constatar la cantidad de veteranas glorias, mayormente de los noventa y ochenta, que volvían a dar lustre a sus decaídas carreras, motivados en muchos casos por el empuje que la buena salud de los circuitos del directo y su creciente demanda de músicos consagrados proporcionaba. Ninguno de los siguientes héroes del pasado de la Academia nos obsequió con su mejor esfuerzo, pero todos ofrecían señales inequívocas de recuperación creativa.

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