#6-BIG BOI-Sir Luscious Left Foot…The Son Of Chico Dusty (Def Jam)

Un ejemplo arquetípico de los problemas por los que la industria discográfica esta atravesando, el debut en solitario de Big Boi ha pasado por tantos cambios en su lista de temas y fecha de publicación, esperando a que alguna de sus canciones rompiera como éxito en las emisoras de radio –lo que finalmente llegaba con … Read more

#6-BIG BOI-Sir Luscious Left Foot…The Son Of Chico Dusty (Def Jam)

An iconic example of the malaise the record industry is suffering from, Big Boi’s solo debut has gone through so many tracklist and release date changes waiting for a track that could break as a hit –it finally arrived with ‘Shutterbugg’-, that even songs formerly launched as advance singles didn’t make the final cut. … Read more

El Mes En Clips: Parte 1 – Los Exitos


Casi un mes desde que cerramos el chiringuito para ir al ATP de Pavement, volvemos con una edición condensada de nuestro habitual repaso semanal. En esta ocasión con una selección de los videos lanzados durante las últimas semanas.

La primera parte está dedicada a aquellas canciones y artistas que ya han sido grandes éxitos en nuestro loop pero no contaban con formato audiovisual hasta la fecha; comenzando con la excepción de Flying Lotus, que nos presenta una canción nueva, ‘Heave (N)’, un descarte de su excelente album ‘Cosmogramma’ cuya calidad indica la bestia de disco que el experimental beatmaster ha producido. A continuación de ‘Heave (n)’ una selección de promos actuales que no deberían necesitar mayor presentación.

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The Month In Videos: Part I – The Hits


Nearly a month hiatus since we stopped our weekly recap to attend ATP Pavement, we are back with a bumper monthly edition divided in different posts, the first of which is a selection of the best videos released during the last few weeks.

The first part is dedicated to those tracks and artists that have already been huge in our loop but didn’t have audiovisual support yet. Beginning with the exception that is Flying Lotus’ brand new track ‘Heave (N)’, a discard from his superb recent album ‘Cosmogramma’ whose quality lets you know what a beast of a record the experimental beatmaster has produced. ‘Heave (N)’ is followed by a selection of recent promos that should need no further introduction.

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1/2 Of Outkast Is Heading The Loop

When news arrived about Big Boi’s forever delayed solo album ‘Sir Luscious Left Foot…’ finally seeing the light of day, the Outkast member was also hitting our loop’s number 1 with the electro- extravaganza, ‘Shutterbugg’.
Among the new entries of the week, Anticon’s new signee Baths; Cocorosie and Band Of Horses.
You can check the loop in … Read more

The Week That Was (20-03-2010): Videos

Plenty of interesting videos this week, beginning with the smashing 9 minute epic, Tarantino-esque video for Lady Gaga’s ‘Telephone’; a visual extravaganza that recalls the golden days of MTV, when every clip was a world of surprises and Michael Jackson and Madonna reigned supreme. She even managed to convince Beyoncé to appear as her love subject… We haven’t exactly been the biggest fans of the ubiquitous star, but ‘Telephone’ is a new career high that confirms her unrivalled status as the best pop artist in the conservative waters of today’s mainstream music. The video is one of the most clicked ever in the story of youtube. Check the track’s remixes too. The likes of Passion Pit, Crookers and even Alphabeat have worked on it.

Hot Chip – I Feel Better

Hot Chip | MySpace Music Videos

Hot Chip brought a superb new video, ‘I Feel Better’, in which even the supernatural powers have had enough of boy bands and unleash their furious vengeance on one of them in the middle of club perfomance. Good song, too! Other video highlights of the week after the jump..

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2009 MUSIC A-Z: B for Belle & Sebastian vs. Beirut

BEIRUT-La Llorona

It looks like the B of 2009 is going to be quite disputed, with two of our favourite chamber pop bands returning. The first of them, Beirut, is meant to release a new album in the autumn, but before that there’s a new record compiling two EPs that showcase Zach Condon’s two different musical directions: His usual, gypsy-flavoured, itinerant orchestra has carried on travelling the world, moving from turn of the century Paris to the Latin American latitudes of Oaxaca, Mexico in “March Of The Zapotec”; back to back with a return to the laptop electronica of his origins, under the moniker of Realpeople, in “Holland EP” .

The second, Glasgow Finest, Belle & Sebastian, will be following the steps of many of their heroes from the sixties and fulfilling another of their pop dreams with the release of their first musical movie, for which they have been auditioning in search of two new female vocalists. “God Help The Girl’s” soundtrack, scheduled to see the light by the end of the year, will include brand new versions of popular classics next to a whole lot of new tracks and could become one of the year’s most pleasant highlights.

Other noteworthy contenders for the B:

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