9-THE PAINS OF BEING PURE AT HEART-The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart

El revival del C86 en su momento de mayor logro. Estos neoyorkinos realizaban un impresionante debut revisando las diferentes corrientes del indie Británico en los 80 –shoegaze, pop twee de chico-chica; etc.- con tal reverencia que mas que un tributo a las muchas bandas seminales de la era – Jesus & Mary Chain; My Bloody … Read more

9-THE PAINS OF BEING PURE AT HEART-The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart

The C86 revival at his most accomplished. This new Yorkers made an impressive debut by revisiting the different British indie trends during the 80’s – shoegaze; twee boy-girl pop; etc. – showing such reverence that rather than just a tribute to the many seminal bands of the era –Jesus & Mary Chain; My Bloody Valentine; … Read more

10-JJ-jj Nº 2

El romance de Escandinavia con el revival Balear seguía dando excelentes frutos. A los hallazgos de Tough Alliance, Studio o Air France se sumaba el refrescante debut del dúo Sueco jj. Desde que Pitchfork en su sección mejor música nueva mencionara “Ecstasy”, su “apropiación” del éxito de Lil Wayne “Lollipop” en hedonista clave chill-out, el … Read more

10-JJ-jj Nº 2

The romance between Scandinavian musicians and the Balearic revival kept on giving excellent fruits. Swedish duo Jj’s refreshing debut added up to The Tough Alliance, Studio or Air France’s findings. Since Pitchfork’s best new music section mentioned “Ecstasy”, the duo’s “appropriation” of Lil Wayne’s megahit “Lollipop” in hedonistic, chill-out key, interest for jj has not … Read more

11-WOODS-Songs Of Shame

Ya en su cuarto disco, Woods se habían mantenido en la sombra, lanzando su trabajo en pequeños sellos a través de los más diversos y limitados formatos, incluyendo cassettes caseras. “Songs Of Shame” se erigía como una especie de confirmación gracias a su mas compacta colección de canciones hasta la fecha. La naturaleza experimental y … Read more

11-WOODS-Songs Of Shame

Already on their fourth album, Woods have been keeping a low profile until now, releasing their output in tiny labels through all sort of limited formats, including homemade tapes. With “Songs of Shame” they’ve enjoyed a small breakthrough, thanks to their most compact collection of songs to date. The band’s experimental; lo-fi nature collides with … Read more

12-CAMERA OBSCURA-My Maudlin Career

Traceyanne Campbell y su banda siguieron creciendo cada vez más, ofreciendo al mundo una vez mas el pop mejor elaborado que hemos escuchado en mucho tiempo. “My Maudlin Career”, su cuarto trabajo, era otro disco fantástico en el que Camera Obscura pulían un poco mas su devoción por arreglos lujosos y oído para las melodías … Read more

12-CAMERA OBSCURA-My Maudlin Career

Traceyanne Campbell and her band kept on growing stronger and offered to the world once again the best crafted pop we’ve heard for ages. “My Maudlin Career”, their fourth album, was another pop-tastic record in which Camera Obscura polished even further their devotion for lush arrangements and ear for the finest tunes. The Scottish melancholy-tinged, … Read more

13-FEVER RAY-Fever Ray

Con su hermano investigando sonidos para una opera sobre el Origen de las especies de Darwin, Karin Dreijer Andersson – la otra mitad de The Knife – se embarcaba en un proyecto paralelo que compartía las misteriosas e inquietantes atmósferas de su grupo principal a través del uso de electrónica minimal y extraños tratamientos vocales, … Read more

13-FEVER RAY-Fever Ray

With her brother researching new sounds for an opera about Darwin´s Origin of the species, Karin Dreijer Andersson – the other half of The Knife- embarked on a side project that shared the mysterious and disturbing atmospheres of her main act through minimal electronica and bizarre vocal processing, but also counted with a poppier sensitivity. … Read more

14-ANTONY & THE JOHNSONS-The Crying Light

Antony Hegarty returned to his Johnsons after a hedonistic period of flirting with the dance floor. He managed to create a decent follow-up to his breakthrough album “I am a Bird now”, which earned him the Mercury Prize among other honours. “The Crying Light” may have lacked the same element of surprise and Antony’s warm, … Read more


Con una entusiasta acogida en la blogosfera, el debut de este dúo de San Francisco parecía más una colección de éxitos que el primer trabajo de cualquier artista. Mostrando un estilo de componer canciones maduro y clásico que bebía el las fuentes del pop de los sesenta Británico y la psicodelia Californiana, con toques de … Read more


Enthusiastically received by the blogosphere, the debut of this duo from San Francisco seemed more a collection of hit singles than the first work of any artist. Showcasing a classy, confident songwriting style that drank in 60’s pop – be it British or Californian psychedelia-, with touches of shoegaze enhancing Christopher Owen’s personal stories of … Read more