Oscars Special: Our Predictions


small-uk-flag.jpg Just one day before the Oscars ceremony takes place, a look at this year’s Hollywood picks shows one of the dullest havest in a long time. Everything points at a “Slumdog Millionaire” sweep, with the mediocre “Benjamin Button’s” hopes being relegated to a couple of technical statuettes. “Milk” will probably get the award reserved to the “rare and critical acclaimed” slot, the Best original script one. If the forecast is accurate, the significant changes announced for the show, masterminded by Bill Condon (Dreamgirls) and presented by Hugh Jackman, promise to be more interested than the awards themselves. Even when many categories still have room for surprise and general consensus is that whoever wins, will do it by a narrow margin. After the jump our predictions.

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HARVEY MILK-A Maelstrom Of Bad Decisions

Hard sounds kept their unstoppable comeback. Since Mastodon performed first aid to the genre, metal and all its variations have been gathering new followers. Meanwhile, garage rock’s classic tradition, carried its global expansion like dynamite exploding from the American indie label In The Red ; and punks, next to other guitar distortion specialists, claimed their original strength reinstalled, after years of sponsored debilitation into the mainstream.

Los sonidos duros seguían su imparable proceso de vuelta. Desde que Mastodon le hiciera los primeros auxilios, el metal en sus múltiples vertientes sigue cosechando nuevos acólitos. Mientras tanto; el tradicional rock garajero desde el sello americano In The red se expandía como la pólvora por todo el mundo y los punks junto a otros especialistas en distorsión guitarrera volvían a reclamar su fuerza original, tras años de reblandecimiento esponsorizado.

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