Amour; Motors & Beasts Lead Nominations For 2012 Film Rober Awards

The 2012 Rober Awards Film Poll is now open. ‘Amour’, Michael Haneke’s painfully real drama about an elderly couple coping with degenerative illness; Leos Carax’s visionary hommage to cinema in ‘Holy Motors’ and first timer Behn Zeitlin’s poetic tale of a Katrina-like catastrophe narrated from the point of view of a five year old kid, ‘Beasts Of The Southern Wild’, head the nominations list with eight apiece.

On a superb year for movies, the rest of contenders for best picture are The Master; Django Unchained; Zero Dark Thirty; Tabú; No; Once Upon A Time In Anatolia and Argo. Whereas Silver Linings Playbook; Life Of Pi; Berberian Sound Studio; Moonrise Kingdom; Barbara; Rust and Bone; etc. are also among the works earning multiple nominations.

You can vote for the best films of the year here. During the following days we will be reviewing in detail each category

The full nomination tally goes as follows:

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2008 ROBER AWARDS FILM NOMINATIONS: Best Original Screenplay

And the nominees for Best Original Screenplay are:

BEFORE THE DEVIL KNOWS YOU’RE DEAD (Antes Que El Diablo Sepa Que Has Muerto)-Kelly Masterson

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2008 ROBER AWARDS FILM NOMINATIONS: Best Adapted Screenplay

And the nominees for Best Adapted Screenplay are:

CHE PT 1: EL ARGENTINO (Peter Buchman)

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