#FilmNominations2014 : Blockbuster Of The Year


Tinseltown didn’t have the most successful summer ever, albeit without many spectacular flops, fewer tickets sold in cinemas and many disappointments in big titles’ numbers shaped 2014 as its least profitable year since 2006. However, the International market and, particularly China with an apparently endless appetite for Hollywood big budget offer, came to the rescue.

Sequels, reboots and rehashes kept reigning on the multiplexes, not even the bad reviews could put people off such vile propositions as the new Transformers or the universally appalled but still quite successful Ninja Turtles reboot. And it seems their kingdom is going to be extended during 2015 with the planned return of virtually everything you can think of that has been a hit in the past. It doesn’t help that the few films made from original ideas didn’t ignite the box office as expected. Among them the surprisingly good Tom Cruise’s Groundhog Day meets Alien Invasion ‘Edge Of Tomorrow”, which didn’t live up to the commercial expectations.

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