#FilmNominations2014 : Best Genre Film


The next category of our awards is dedicated to reward the best thrillers, sci-fi, adventures, crime films and other genres traditionally ignored by more established accolades.

In 2014 Anton Corbijn gave Philip Seymour-Hoffman his swansong role on a great adaptation of Le Carre’s ‘A Most Wanted Man’; ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’ proved another successful installment, both creatively and financially, in the latest reboot of the franchise; Alex De La Iglesia produced ‘Musarañas (Shrew’s Nest)’, an accomplished historical and psychological horror and the promising debut of Madrid helmers Esteban Roel y Juan Fernando Andrés; Dan Stevens left Downtown Abbey all the way to the gates of Hollywood with an excellent turn as a psychopath in ‘The Guest’; The Martial Arts genre got another adrenalin-filled injection with ‘The Raid 2’, hailed as an even better film than the original, and David Michod took Robert Pattinson to a post-Apocalyptic nightmare in ‘The Rover’, all of them worthy of mention, but left without a nomination.

The ones which did get nominated are

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