#FilmNominations2014 : Best Adapted Screenplay


The balance between the best original and adapted screenplays last year was heavily inclined towards new stories, of which we were spoilt for choice. There haven’t been as many notable adaptations to the big screen, albeit there were enough as to prevent two high profile literary ones to make our final list of nominees: Nuri Ceylan Bilge’s “Winter Sleep’ freely inspired by “The Wife”, a short story by Anton Chekhov and Lav Díaz’s extraordinary complex ‘Norte, The End Of Story’ which took Dostoyevsky’s “Crime And Punishment’ as inspiration to reflect the current social, political and historical situation of the Philippines.

The adapted screenplays that made our list are

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2008 ROBER AWARDS FILM NOMINATIONS: Best Adapted Screenplay

And the nominees for Best Adapted Screenplay are:

CHE PT 1: EL ARGENTINO (Peter Buchman)

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