#BestOf 2013 – Top 100 Songs (25-1)


Kickstarting the last batch of 2013’s finest tracks with hip-hop superstar Drake showing its mellower R&B side; in this final quarter we’ll also find gender confusion; surprising collaborations; an unreleased track and the greatest motherf**cker that’s ever hit our charts.

And our favourite songs of the year are…

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Autre Ne Veut Last Number One Of 2012

On the last edition of 2012, before we begin the end of the year’s review, alt-R&B purveyor Autre Ne Veut gets the number one position after joining Daniel Lopatin’s imprint with ‘Counting’, a taste of his anticipated second album.

Among the new entries, Big Boi, who’ll be the latest high profile album release of the year ; clear award candidates Chromatics with another track from the second volume of Italians Do It Better’s celebrated compilation ‘After Dark’ and what’s rumoured to be the farewell song by British groundbreakers Wu Lyf .

Check the latest edition after the jump. Back in the new year!

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#30-AUTRE NE VEUT-Autre New Veut (Olde English Spelling Bee)

Nuevos experimentos de vanguardia desde el sello mas ‘hipster’ del planeta; las canciones de Autre Ne Veut han sido descritas como el sonido de un borracho intentando cantar R&B. Posee una atmósfera de chillwave que ayuda a situarlos junto a bandas como How To Dress Well, pero también una disposición muy marcada hacia el lo-fi, … Read more