RÖYKSOPP-Happy Up There
After the mild disappointment that was their second opus “The Understanding”; Röyksopp, Norway’s biggest electronica export, are back to their most pop-tastic form in “Junior”.
The duo from Bergen has scheduled two albums to be released in 2009, when “Junior” is about to hit the shops and can be listened in full at the band’s myspace page; it will be followed by “Senior” at the end of the year. First impressions are more than positive . The album is packed with potential singles, most of them helped in the vocal field by the cream of Today’s cutting edge Scandinavian female artists. After the jump, a quick look at Röyksopp’s women.
ROBYN-Konichiwa Bitches
Following the album’s tracklist order, the first female collaboration to appear, right after the opening single “Happy Up There”, is Robyn with so far our favourite track on “Junior”. “The Girl and the Robot” is a potential electropop smash with huge appeal to both charts and dancefloors. The Swedish star is currently preparing the follow-up to her same titled, career revalidating album.
ANNELI DRECKER-You Don’t have to change
Anneli Drecker comes next. The Norwegian singer, former lead of goth band Bel Canto, helps Röyksopp in three of the tracks: “Vision One”, “You Don’t Have A clue” and “True To Life”.
FEVER RAY-When I Grow Up
The Knife’s lead singer, currently plugging a side project named Fever Ray, Karin Dreijer-Andersson answered the duo’s call once again. She had collaborated with Röyksopp in “What else is there?”, the second single from their former record. Now she’s adding her dinstintive talents to a couple of the album’s highlights: “This must be it” and “Tricky Tricky”.
LYKKE LI-Dance Dance Dance
And last, but not least, last year’s most promising Swedish discovery, Lykke Li. The starlette brings her mellow harmonies to “Miss It So Much”.