27-WILCO-Wilco (The Album)

Ya en su séptimo álbum de estudio, la banda favorita de la critica USA, ocupando hoy el papel que R:E:M solía desempeñar, nos entregaba su trabajo mas asequible y relajado desde “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot”. Jeff Tweedy parecía volver a divertirse haciendo música, tras años de batalla contra la depresión reflejados en el tono de sus … Read more

27-WILCO-Wilco (The Album)

Already in their seventh studio album, US critics’ favorite band Wilco, heirs of the role R.E:M. used to play, offered us their most accessible and relaxed work since “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot”. Jeff Tweedy seemed to have rediscovered the fun of making music, after years fighting against depression influenced the tone of his recordings. “Wilco (The … Read more