162-ANIMAL COLLECTIVE-Who Could Win A Rabbit

Con su cuarto trabajo el Colectivo Animal daba su primer salto de gigante. Después de fichar por el sello Británico Fat Cat y, sin faltar al espíritu psicodélico del freak folk, la banda comenzaba a producir cortes que se asemejaban más canciones que a mera especulación experimental. No perdían ni un ápice de su sano … Read more

162-ANIMAL COLLECTIVE-Who Could Win A Rabbit

With their fourth studio album, Animal Collective gave its first giant step. After being signed by British indie label Fat Cat and, without losing freak-folk’s psychedelic spirit; the band began producing tracks shaped more as “conventional songs”, rather than experimental speculations. They didn’t miss on their healthy and almost unlimited levels of weirdness, though, displayed … Read more