The Hidden Gems From The Top 50 Albums of 2020

Before both the announcement of this year’s Rober Awards nominations and the Christmas break, this week we have a special edition of our weekly chart with lesser-known gems from our Top 50 albums of 2020. 51 great tracks as the Number one is shared by the two albums released from our favourite mysterious British collective Sault.

Among our selections, Fiona Apple‘s career-best return; Taylor Swift embracing indie and giving us the unlikely album of the summer with the black and white, nostalgy-filled vignettes of ‘folklore’; Lido Pimienta exploring her Colombian roots with astonishing results; Bad Boy cementing his status as the Latin world’s number one superstar and Phoebe Bridgers delivering the indie, if that still exists, album of the year. Check The music that made this year a bit more bearable here.

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