The Cheapskate: The National; Latin American Indie; Phoenix…

This week has brought us a few top quality freebies for all you saving conscious music lovers: Track wise The National were giving away ‘Bloodbuzz Ohio’, the surprising first single –we thought it would be the already leaked ‘Terrible Love’- from their forthcoming fifth album ‘High Violet’.
Ex-Beta Band frontman Steve Mason provided another taster from … Read more

Gran Ganga: The National; Bandas Indies Latinamericanas; Phoenix…

Esta semana nos deparaba unos cuantos regalos musicales gratuitos de la máxima calidad para todos vosotros amantes de la música y ahorradores a conciencia: En lo referente a canciones
The National regalaban ‘Bloodbuzz Ohio’, el sorprendente primer sencillo –todos pensábamos que sería el anteriormente presentado ‘Terrible Love’- de su quinto album ‘High Violet’.
El el … Read more

4-PHOENIX-Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

Otra de las grandes sorpresas del 2009: El combo francés Phoenix finalmente producía un álbum merecedor del hype que desde siempre les había rodeado. Ya las irónicas referencias a la música clásica de sus títulos indicaban total confianza en su magistral resultado final. Desde que “1901” explotaba en las ondas justo antes del verano, y … Read more

4-PHOENIX-Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

Another huge surprise in 2009: French combo Phoenix finally producing an album worthy of the hype that has always surrounded them. Even the title’s ironic classical references indicated their confidence in the masterful final result. Since “1901” exploded in the waves before the summer, shortly followed by “Lisztomania”, no one could doubt the famous Gallic … Read more