2009 The Year In Movies: 2-Author, Author.

CHARLIE KAUFFMAN (Synecdoche, New York)

The Oscars are fairly accused of playing conservative. They don’t normally reward the adventurous and challenging, nor the works and directors who try and push the boundaries of the seventh art. That’s why many of the best films every year can be found outside the bandwidth of the Academy. With the independent sector shrinking, the hope for more rewarding filmmaking is in the hands of the so-called authors and their arthouse productions, and 2009 is full of well-established masters bringing their wit and wisdom to the big screen.

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The Official Rober Awards 2008: Film Winners

THERE WILL BE BLOOD (Pozos De Ambición)

“There Will Be Blood” confirmed itself as the absolute winner in 2008’s edition of the Official Rober Awards. The Paul Thomas Anderson directed masterpiece earned five gongs, even when its cast was left empty handed. “Gomorrah”, the Italian film about the way today’s Mafia operates earned three Robers. Other multiple winners with two apiece were The Diving Bell & The Butterfly, Wall-E, Happy-Go-Lucky and Juno. The popular vote though went to The Dark Knight in six categories. Congratulations to the winners. The full list after the Jump.

“Pozos De Ambición” se ha erigido como la ganadora absoluta de la de los Premios Rober de Cine 2008. La obra maestra de Paul Thomas Anderson ganó cinco de los galardones, aunque su reparto, a priori favorito, se quedo con las manos vacías. “Gomorra” la película italiana sobre el modo en que opera la mafia hoy en dia consiguió tres Rober. Otros ganadores multiples, con dos cada, fueron “La Escafandra y La Mariposa”; “Wall-E”; “Happy, Un Cuento Sobre La Felicidad” y “Juno.” Los votos de la encuesta Rober-Paralelos fueron a parar en su mayoria a “El Caballero Oscuro”. Enhorabuena a los ganadores. La lista completa tras el salto.

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Oscars Special: Our Predictions


small-uk-flag.jpg Just one day before the Oscars ceremony takes place, a look at this year’s Hollywood picks shows one of the dullest havest in a long time. Everything points at a “Slumdog Millionaire” sweep, with the mediocre “Benjamin Button’s” hopes being relegated to a couple of technical statuettes. “Milk” will probably get the award reserved to the “rare and critical acclaimed” slot, the Best original script one. If the forecast is accurate, the significant changes announced for the show, masterminded by Bill Condon (Dreamgirls) and presented by Hugh Jackman, promise to be more interested than the awards themselves. Even when many categories still have room for surprise and general consensus is that whoever wins, will do it by a narrow margin. After the jump our predictions.

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