La Semana Pasada: (20-03-2010) Noticias Y Discos

De vuelta a nuestro repaso de la semana musical después de un descanso de siete días, comenzábamos esta quincena con la terrible noticia de la muerte de Mark Linkous –mas conocido como Sparklehorse– , quien se unía así a la trágica lista de grandes artistas que han puesto fin a sus días. Sparklehorse … Read more

The Week That Was (20-03-2010): News And Records

Back to our weekly recap after a seven day hiatus, we began the fortnight with the shocking news of Mark Linkous aka Sparklehorse joining the tragic list of great artists who’ve put an end to their own life. Sparklehorse was a multiple Rober Award winner whose career has been spiked by a long story of … Read more

166-GOLDFRAPP-Lovely Head

La vocalista de procedencia clásica Allison Goldfrapp y el teclista Will Gregory han sido la banda sonora para fashionistas y todos aquellos que necesitaban encontrar el sonido del momento desde su segundo album, en el que incorporaron elementos de glam-rock y skiffle a su pop sintetizado. Nuestro momento favorito de Goldfrapp, sin embargo, llegaba con … Read more

166-GOLDFRAPP-Lovely Head

Classically trained vocalist Allison Goldfrapp and keyboard player Will Gregory have been the soundtrack of choice for fashionistas and those in need of finding the sound du jour since their second album, when they incorporated glam-rock and skiffle to their blend of synth pop. Our favourite Goldfrapp moment, though, was the opening of their debut, … Read more