2009 MUSIC A-Z: E for Eternal Summers

Eternal Summers “Able To” from Indianface on Vimeo.

The rise of pedal distortion- led pop-rock, from the garage revival of the Vivian Girls to the fuzz and rawness of Times New Viking, is currently one of the creative fronts in popular music. And the E of 2009 is likely to add some more wood to this fire with brand new names such an Eternal Summers. In the jaunty and tuneful side of indie rock, this boy-girl duo’s debut EP is quickly earning them a great deal of devotion around the blogosphere.

Other recent source of hipness is the influence of Afrobeat in today’s US leftfield bands and in 2009 will keep on expanding. One of its most visible examples, Extra Golden , the band that’s made of the merging between Kenyan Benga music and American rock their USP, got a new album “Thank You Very Quickly.”

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