2008 Film Review: Top 40 Best Movies (20-1)

Woody Allen visitaba España para dilucidar sobre amor pasional versus relación convencional, siendo saludado por su trabajo más apreciable en una década, después de que su trilogía británica dejase mal sabor de boca. El excelente cast en el que Rebecca Hall y Penélope Cruz brillaban con luz propia y un guión espolvoreado de sus geniales ocurrencias conseguían devolverle, al menos en parte, a su buena forma habitual.

Woody Allen visited Spain to showcase his thoughts about passion and love versus conventional relationships, being hailed as his most likeable work for a decade, after the British trilogy left a bad taste in everybody’s mouth. An excellent cast in which Rebeca Hall and Penelope Cruz shone and a screenplay sprinkled with his genial wit and wisdom brought him back, at least partially, to his usual good form.

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2008 ROBER AWARDS FILM NOMINATIONS: Best Adapted Screenplay

And the nominees for Best Adapted Screenplay are:

CHE PT 1: EL ARGENTINO (Peter Buchman)

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