Oscars Special: Our Predictions


small-uk-flag.jpg Just one day before the Oscars ceremony takes place, a look at this year’s Hollywood picks shows one of the dullest havest in a long time. Everything points at a “Slumdog Millionaire” sweep, with the mediocre “Benjamin Button’s” hopes being relegated to a couple of technical statuettes. “Milk” will probably get the award reserved to the “rare and critical acclaimed” slot, the Best original script one. If the forecast is accurate, the significant changes announced for the show, masterminded by Bill Condon (Dreamgirls) and presented by Hugh Jackman, promise to be more interested than the awards themselves. Even when many categories still have room for surprise and general consensus is that whoever wins, will do it by a narrow margin. After the jump our predictions.

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2008 Film Review: Top 40 Best Movies (40-21)

40-MY WINNIPEG-Guy Maddin
Entre los mejores documentales del año se encontraban dos visiones sobre las memorias de infancia y los cambios que el paso del tiempo facilita en dos ciudades muy distintas. La primera de ellas, Winnipeg, con la que el estilista director canadiense Guy Maddin lograba su film más personal, sin perder su predilección por explorar nuevos caminos. Parte material de archivo, parte ficción rodada; Maddin jugaba con todos los elementos disponibles para construir un surreal y emotivo puzzle homenaje a su lugar de nacimiento.

Among the best documentaries of the year there were two visions about memories of childhood and the changes passing time inflicted in two very different cities. The first of them, Winnipeg, with which the stylist Canadian director Guy Maddin achieved his most personal film to date, without losing his predilection for opening new ground. Part archive material, part fictionalized; Maddin played with all the elements at reach in order to built a surreal and moving puzzle, tribute to his birthplace.

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