Can’t Wait!: The Films To Watch This November


Those of you left “spectred out”, in fear that nothing of value would be released any soon to avoid clashing with the mighty 007, won’t have to wait long until the cinemas are filled with a diverse range of excellent works. Right after festival season, November is traditionally one of the best months for cinema going; when some of the most prestigious films of the year begin taking our screens by assault, while waiting for their luck during the imminent awards season.

We take a look at our most anticipated films among those scheduled for release during the penultimate month of the year, some of which we’ve just seen at the London Film Festival and can fully recommend; some others eagerly awaited. There’s something for everybody, from favourite Oscar contenders (“Carol”; “Brooklyn”; “Steve Jobs”) to some of the most acclaimed indies of the year (“Tangerine”; “Microbe and Gasoil”); eagerly awaited blockbusters such as the conclusion of The Hunger Games saga; Spielberg’s spy thriller “Bridge Of Spies” or the latest Pixar, “The Good Dinosaur”. Next to them, minor arthouse gems from around the world of the likes of the Swedish drama “My Skinny Sister”; the hilarious Mexican road movie “Güeros” or first class documentaries (“The Russian Woodpecker”; “The Fear Of 13”); plus the BFI blockbuster Love season, somehow complemented by the controversial arrival of Gaspar Noé’s latest provocation of the same title, in graphic 3D detail.

Check our most anticipated movies of the month here:

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#LFF Recommended: Carol (Todd Haynes)

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The festival Galas are normally reserved for those titles able to balance a prestigious facture with the star power needed for red carpet glamour. The ones this year have excelled at their purpose.

Our favourite among them has to be ‘Carol’, Todd Haynes’ return to old-fashioned melodrama adapting Patricia Highsmith’s novel ‘The Price Of Salt’. The notorious thrillers writer published it under an alias, afraid perhaps of the scandal to be caused for dealing with a lesbian relationship in a positive light, defying the convictions of the 1950’s.

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