155-ANDREW BIRD-Imitosis

Este multi-instrumentista de Chicago, antiguo colaborador de la banda inspirada en el jazz Squirrel Nut Zippers, comenzaba una carrera en solitario que le llevaría poco a poco a ser engullido por el mainstream. Su original sentido lírico y sus shows como hombre orquesta le ayudaron a edificar una fuerte reputación como cantautor único. Sus mejores … Read more

155-ANDREW BIRD-Imitosis

This multi instrumentalist from Chicago, former collaborator of jazz inspired band Squirrel Nut Zippers, began a solo career that has seen his multiple talents slowly being embraced by the mainstream. His original lyrics and one man orchestra shows helped him to build up a strong reputation as unique songwriter. His best songs were so finely … Read more

2009 MUSIC A-Z: A for Animal Collective


After our contribution to the Awards Season is on track, we begin 2009 having a look at the crystal ball to see what can be expected in the music world through the next twelve months. The last year didn’t leave a good vibe in our ears, so we hope this one will make a better impression. The first month has already generated enough good releases, promising news and album tasters to believe so. We are tidying it all alphabetically, so we can condensate everything in a few posts.

The A of 2009 already belongs to Baltimore’s favourite experimentalists Animal Collective, whom have reached a fine balance between avant-garde antics and more mainstream appeal with their eighth studio album “Merriweather Post Pavillion”, and have started collecting the fruits by breaking into the Top 20 in charts around the globe, being unanimously hailed as the strong contender for album of the year. “My girls” with its underlying house beats is the album’s first classic (a mash-up with Frankie Knuckles classic “My love” can be found online, as well as many other promotional goodies, including a full stream of their recent gig in NYC, etc.)

But there are other A artists that may attempt to challenge the Animals’ supremacy

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