Amour Is Our Film Of The Week

Our recommended film this week couldn’t be other than Michael Haneke’s Palm D’Or winner ‘Amour’, which has been piling up five star reviews since it deservedly won Cannes film festival’s top honour for the second time in the director’s career.

From sexual frustration to the origins of fascism, Haneke has proven to be a master in thought-provoking explorations of mankind’s darkest side. In “Amour” ★★★★★ he reaches a more personal note with a reflection on how to deal with the suffering of a loved one. In carefully intimate detail we are introduced to the life of an elderly couple, magnificently played by French veterans Jean-Louis Trintignant and Emmanuelle Riva, enjoying their golden years comfortably after a lifetime of companionship. When the former classical music teacher suffers a minor stroke, the couple begins to endure her progressively deteriorating situation, prompting her husband to look after her at home. We see them closing down to the world, afraid of showing the indignities of her regressive state; even preventing the visits of her daughter –Isabelle Huppert -, whose role represents the way our society hides these matters away.

“Amour” already stands out in the career of an essential filmmaker as his most compassionate and affecting work yet; one that perfectly avoids both sentimentality and miserabilism in its heart-breaking, yet life-affirming portrayal of the ultimate sacrifice that comes with unconditional love. Much more could be said about Trintignant & Riva’s unforgettable expressions of dignity on coping with a degenerative illness; or the role played by music, namely some of Schubert’s opuses, helping to create the film’s perfectly balanced emotional tone. With the word masterpiece being profusely -and fairly- dropped to describe it, as the award season is about to reveal the critic’s favourites more accolades will follow. In the meantime, do yourself a favour! Go see ”Amour”!.

With no more new entries hitting our top 20; this edition sees other critical favourite “The Master” back to number 2 as the film finished its exclusive 70mm presentation in just a London theatre and went on general release.

Check our current Top 20 favourite movies here.

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