Top 30 Albums 2009: 30-THE BIG PINK-A Brief History Of Love

Tras años en los que bandas de todo el mundo han vuelto a inspirarse en los sonidos del shoegaze y el C86 británicos, creando una renovada version del noise pop; el Reino Unido se subía con un cierto retraso al carro del revival con artistas como The Big Pink a la cabeza. Este dúo londinense … Read more

Top 30 Albums 2009: 30-THE BIG PINK-A Brief History Of Love

After a few years in which many bands around the world have been inspired by the sounds of British shoegaze and C86 to create an updated version of noise-pop; the UK finally jumped into this revivalist bandwagon with artists such as The Big Pink ahead of the pack. This London duo came under the prestigious … Read more