The Cheapskate: The National; Latin American Indie; Phoenix…

This week has brought us a few top quality freebies for all you saving conscious music lovers: Track wise The National were giving away ‘Bloodbuzz Ohio’, the surprising first single –we thought it would be the already leaked ‘Terrible Love’- from their forthcoming fifth album ‘High Violet’.

Ex-Beta Band frontman Steve Mason provided another taster from his solo debut, ‘Lost And Found’, a trendy Active Child remix of which can also be downloaded for free. And Madonna’s mates and gipsy rockers Gogol Bordello began their way towards world domination with ‘Pala Tute’, taken from their Rick Rubin produced new album.

Leftfield Latin American bands were given an online boost this week with both Pitchfork and Club Fonograma giving away samplers of the most interesting up and coming new artist in the Spanish speaking continent. Pitchfork has compiled a mix to celebrate the MTYMX festival to be held soon in Mexico City–highlights include Jovenes Y Sexys; Chikita Violenta; etc. Meanwhile, Club Fonograma offered the seventh volume of their regular ‘Fonogramáticos’ compilation, covering the most adventurous sounds across the Latin world –Dominican Rita Indiana; Spanish indie band Los Punsetes and Chile’s new folkies Los Mil Jinetes are some of the best moments.

On the live stages, Phoenix gave away a full live album recorded in Sidney a few weeks ago during their current world tour. It offers renditions of eight out of the nine songs that formed their acclaimed ‘Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix’.

Just a stream, but equally interesting, Joanna Newsom is letting her fans to check the sound of her current tour by showcasing one of her recent shows via NPR radio.