Decade Review: The Best Of The Noughties

The first ten years of the new millennium are coming to and end, prompting everyone to take the compulsory look back and reflect about the changes we’ve been through. During the following weeks we will try to summarize our thoughts about a fascinating time in popular culture in which music has been terribly conservative, not particularly inventive and has turned out to be of secondary importance, overshadowed by a revolution in the ways we get it. A decade democratization of the production and access to it, thanks to the internet and digital tools; upheaval across the record industry; copyright wars and legal threats to the fan; in which the old fashioned models are broken, without having reached a consensus on the replacing ones.

We will try to review these last ten years of music through a rather rushed countdown of the best 150 albums; our favorite 200 tracks and as many honorary mentions of those ones who didn’t make the lists as we can fit in. Enjoy!