#FilmNominations2014 : Best Supporting Actor


Tye Sheridan in ‘Joe’; Andy Serkis in ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’; Riz Ahmed in ‘Nightcrawler ‘ and Patrick d’Assumçao in ‘Stranger By The Lake’ all gave memorable performances that narrowly missed our shortlist.

The top-notch ones who made it are Ben Mendelsohn as the father of a violent young prisoner who struggles to show his son when jailed together the rules of life in prison in ‘Starred Up’; Edward Norton as the abrasive theater divo in ‘Birdman’; Ethan Hawke as the musician and divorced father of the two children in ‘Boyhood’; J.K. Simmons as the brutal teacher of dubious methods on an obsessive quest to push their pupils towards greatness in ‘Whiplash’; Josh Brolin as the no less brutal police chief in the psychedelic haze that is ‘Inherent Vice’ and Mark Ruffalo as the wrestling athlete, trainer and sensible brother of an Olympic hopeful in ‘Foxcatcher’.

Check interviews with all the nominees below and vote for your favourite here




J.K. SIMMONS (Whiplash)

JOSH BROLIN (Inherent Vice)

MARK RUFFALO (Foxcatcher)