The Rober Awards Nominations 2007 begin…

Here they are. In a live satellite simultaneous broadcast to two countries; three cities and some little suburbs. The nominations for the XXVI Edition of the Rober Awards are about to be announced, this time in a press conference from the Hilton instead of the usual star-studded presentation, due once more to … Read more

2007 Year-End Review: Top 100 Singles (100-81)

101-BRITNEY SPEARS-Piece Of Me (Unofficial Video)

spanish-flag.jpgAntes de revelar nuestros 25 discos favoritos, vamos a hacer un repaso a las canciones del año en una cuenta atras sin pausa. Horas de diversion asegurada para toda la familia, incluyendo enlaces a aquellos de sus videos disponibles. En un buen año de singles, incluso Britney se ha quedado sin plaza entre el top 100 debido a la excelente calidad de nuestra selección. ¿Quien se alzará con el número uno, La Oreja o Bosé?

small-uk-flag.jpgBefore unveiling our favorite Top 25 albums, let’s have a look at the songs of the year in a non-stop countdown, including links to their videos when available. Hours of fun for all the family!!! In a fine year for singles, even Britney has been left bubbling under by the sheer quality of the chosen records. And who will be the number one, Leona or Shayne? -The Academy would like to thank Liam Sawyer for his suggestions-.

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2007 Film Review: Deceptions & Guilty Pleasures

The lower ranks in our movies of the year list are populated by those ones we were eagerly awaiting for but didn’t match our high expectations: big-budget productions aiming at the Oscar; the newest spoiled kids of the international festival circuit whose works were acclaimed, rather senselessly, as masterpieces and some other feature films elevated by critics or advertisers that, without being terrible, didn’t fulfil their promise.

On the flip side of the cinematic coin, the year wasn’t short of blockbusters, sequels, b-movies and minor comedies that against all initial prejudice and their “déjà vu” scent surprised us for not being bad at all.

After the jump, the ying and the yang of a year in movies.

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