
The first records available of the Rober Awards go back to 1982 where the initiative, then based in San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid, was limited to a group of friends with an interest in music. One of them was anorak enough to produce his own top 100 best albums and songs of the year and debate his tastes with the rest. A few years after those end of the year recaps expanded to cover films. Through the years the number of people interested slowly increased.

In 1997 the creator of the Rober Awards moved to London. Ten years after that our blog began and with it the number of followers and people involved. So far we have just managed to add the charts for every new year, but our ultimate aim is to put all those charts and awards from the 80s onwards online, while carrying on pointing at the best that popular culture has to offer.

Our blog so far has been a not-for profit venture, done with the only interest of sharing our passion about music and films with other kindred spirits. At Rober Awards we keep an open mind for all genres and styles, but we believe that marketing-heavy, mainstream entertainment is progressively taking over more artistically creative and innovative work and we want to help discovering the latter. The taste of the Rober Awards contributors has evolved from the indie and hip-hop movements of the eighties, the alternative and electronica ones of the 90’s to the blog-rock of the noughties. Film wise, we rather go for arthouse and world movies or film festival’s choices than traditional Hollywood fare.

As the XXI century goes on the way we consume our culture is dramatically evolving, which brings interesting shifts in the music and films that are produced and promoted. We endeavour to be witnesses of all those changes and hopefully reflect what we believe are the most ground-breaking, accomplished or culturally relevant propositions.

Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we do putting it together.