10-SWANS-My Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope To The Sky (Young God)
Good year for veteran artists and comebacks with Michael Gira re-ensembling his Swans; Stephen Merritt celebrating the 10th anniversary of his masterpiece ’69 Love Songs’ while touring to promote his new folk album ‘Realism’; Low’s Alan Sparhawk and Edwyn Collins fully recovered; Neil Young partially returning to shape with Daniel Lanois; Laurie Anderson releasing her best work in two decades and Brian Eno joining the Warp roster. World Music album of the year was the late Ali Farka Touré’s latest recording next to Toumani Diabate. Meanwhile, The New Pornographers or Wyatt, Altzman & Stephen carried on bringing new ideas for alternative concepts of “supergroup”.
9-NEIL YOUNG-Le Noise (Reprise)
8-BRIAN ENO-Small Craft On A Milk Sea (Warp)
7-EDWYN COLLINS-Losing Sleep (Heavenly)
6-ALI FARKA TOURE & TOUMANI DIABATE-Ali & Toumani (World Circuit)
5-WYATT, ATZMON & STEPHEN-For The Ghost Within (Domino)
4-THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS-Together (Matador)
2-THE MAGNETIC FIELDS-Realism (Nonesuch)
1-LAURIE ANDERSON-Homeland (Nonesuch)